SEarching for the Most Haunted Location on the Treasure Coast
Rules for Submission
*There is NO FEE or any other financial obligation for submitting your haunted location or if the location is later chosen for investigation:
1. A submission can be any building, structure, governmental or private location historical or outdoor location.
2. Any submission that is a residential home that is currently occupied by the owner, rental tenant or family member of the owner MUST agree to an interview with Indian River Haunting staff before that submission may be considered. *
3. All submissions MUST BE free of any false, misleading or fabricated information regarding the history of the property or paranormal activity found there.
4. Any submission found to have falsified, fabricated or manipulated information of the locations history or paranormal activity will be immediately disqualified.
5. All submissions must include the location/address of the property.
6. All submissions must include the name, phone number and email address of the person(s) submitting the property.
7. Person(s) submitting the property for consideration MUST have the legal authority to do so and grant permission for an investigation by Indian River Hauntings and the Florida Bureau of Paranormal Investigation.
8. Any property chosen for an investigation to determine if they are the Most Haunted Location on the Treasure Coast for 2023 must agree to:
a. Sign A Hold Harmless agreement with Indian River Hauntings and the Florida Bureau of Paranormal Investigation. **
b. Sign an agreement allowing Indian River Hauntings to publicize the submitted location's investigation results and to allow photographs, videos, audio recordings or any information coming from this investigation can be released publicly via our social media platforms, speaking engagements, radio/television productions or any public forum used by Indian River Hauntings or the Florida Bureau of Paranormal Investigation.
9. If chosen as a location to be investigated, a property representative must be present during the investigation.
*This interview is required because we wish to protect the dignity and character of anyone presently residing in the home.
**Indian River Hauntings LLC is registered with the State of Florida and is insured